Who are ISI?
ISI is a consulting and research firm whose headquarters are located in downtown Montreal (Canada). It started as a research group in 1987 in Gatineau-Ottawa region and became a corporation in 1994. Currently, ISI is integrated by graduates with top level academic degrees (doctors) in engineering and management with an average of 25 years of practical experience in industry.
ISI has developed, presented in conferences and published worldwide artificial intelligence based tools to design factories and supply chains. As a result, ISI has developed strong relationships with the most advanced laboratories in technology development, worldwide. These laboratories support ISI engineers in the identification of new technology.
ISI has also been consulted by many Canadian manufacturing firms and has built key-turn factories in Montreal region. As a result, ISI owns 800 real case studies of Canadian manufacturing firms. These case studies are utilized to identify unexploited market niches and profitable supply chains.
In 2009, ISI opened a branch in Lima (Peru) to boost the exportations of Canadian products in South-America. As a result, ISI has signed partnerships with some high-technology Canadian manufacturing firms to increase their exportations to South-America.