ISI can implement factories for serial production in small and medium enterprises located overseas. This implies the specification of a production platform and its implementation in collaboration with suppliers of equipments and services.
The production platform specification includes the definition of:
- The products that will be made in the production platform
- The manufacturing process activities including the required materials
- The required machines and equipments
- The factory layout
- The production cells
- The working procedures including the machines operating parameters
- The production planning procedures, including the management parameters.
The implementation of the production platform above includes the following activities that are done by ISI on behalf of the industrialist:
- Purchase of the required machines and equipments
- Adaptation of the building where the machines will be installed.
- Installation of the machines in the adapted building
- Operators training on the working procedures
- Managers training on the production planning procedures.
ISI has knowledge of manufacturing processes related to biotechnology, biomedical, electronics, food, textile, clothing, furniture and metal products